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All books can be purchased through the following websites and most online book stores:

Monsters for Rent

Kids who are bothered by people must be careful which monster they rent at the Monsters for Rent store.

ISBN 13 (SOFT): 978-1-46850-573-3

Toby T-Rex: Lightning Strikes

An ancient Tyrannosaurus Rex egg and some magical lightning help begin a charming adventure.

ISBN 13 (SOFT): 978-1-46855-305-5

Toby T-Rex: Forest Secret

Book two.  Keeping Toby safe from 21st century struggles is the animal family’s mission of love.

ISBN 13 (SOFT): 978-1-48173-634-3

Nanny Goat Chunks Up

A goat that ignores healthy habits will be surprised by how physical well-being can change significantly.

ISBN 13 (eBook): 978-1-48171-665-9

Bumbling BoBo

People need to be more aware that those who bumble may very well be victim to an unaware disability.

ISBN 13 (eBook): 978-1-49187-301-4
ISBN 13 (SOFT): 978-1-49187-300-7


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